On the last GeekCon 2015 , me and my brother built a drawing robot. Can draw on a large scale pages, basically working the same way Logo (Computer Language) Turtle is working. Can go forward, backward and turn around. Can raise the pen or lower it in order to start drawing. Here are some pictures, explanations and code. We used the Arduino Uno (actually Funduino Uno compatible) over a Maze car rack bought in Deal Extreme . Using the Keyes L298 driver for the DC motors and a Servo motor using the original Servo.h library kit from Arduino. Some external references helping us to go on: http://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Matrix-with-Arduino/?ALLSTEPS http://www.pial.net/8x8-dot-matrix-font-generator-based-on-javascript-and-html/ https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/IR-RemoteControl http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=84439.0 http://blog.whatgeek.com.pt/arduino/l298-dual-h-bridge-motor-driver/ http://www.instructables.com/id/D...